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What Are Fringe Benefits and Should You Offer Them?

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6 min
July 25, 2024
A whopping 68% of job seekers want to know what companies offer in benefits. Yet, 36% of HR pros say their company doesn't share this info at first. In today's job market, fringe benefits can make or break a job offer for top talent. Companies compete for skilled workers by offering great benefits to keep them. Fringe benefits, or employee benefits, are extra perks given by companies. These can be health insurance, retirement plans, paid vacation, and more. Some perks go to all staff, while others are for top executives or certain jobs. Companies use these benefits to draw in, motivate, and keep top talent.
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The CMO's Guide to Healthy Marketing: An Interview with Andrii Kariakin, RISK CMO

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6 min
July 22, 2024
In today's fast-paced business world, understanding whether your marketing efforts are truly effective can be a challenge for many company leaders. To shed light on this crucial topic, we sat down with Andrii Kariakin, the Chief Marketing Officer at RISK, to discuss how executives can gauge the health of their marketing strategies and ensure they're on the right track.
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How to Manage and Resolve Conflict in the Workplace

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8 min
July 18, 2024
A recent study found that 53% of employees ignore "toxic" work situations. This can hurt productivity and make people unhappy at work. Workplace conflicts can cost up to $359 billion a year. It's key for managers and HR to know how to solve these issues to keep the workplace healthy. Workplace conflicts often come from different opinions, competing goals, unclear expectations, feeling unfairly treated, or political and social disagreements. These conflicts can be about work or personal feelings. If not handled, they can make work less productive, lead to more people leaving, and even cause legal problems.
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Leadership vs. Management: 5 Tips to Become a Better Leader

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6 min
July 15, 2024
A Gallup study showed that followers want trust, compassion, stability, and hope from their leaders. But, many articles focus on improving weaknesses instead of building on strengths. This overlooks the key difference between leadership and management, which are both crucial for success. While managers and leaders share some skills, it's important to know their main differences. Managers plan, organize, and direct to meet company goals. They set goals, budgets, and strategies to improve performance and productivity.
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9 Types of Employment Contracts You Should Know

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8 min
July 12, 2024
There are many types of contracts, like part-time, fixed-term, and freelance ones. Each has its own pros and cons for both sides. Learning about them helps you make choices that fit your needs or goals, leading to better working relationships.
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